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  • Teaching Children to Value Themselves through Yoga Aug 15 , 2022
    Yoga is a holistic approach to physical fitness and stress reduction. The beauty of yoga for children is that through a combination of playful poses, integrated with mindfulness affirmations and breathing techniques, it can provide a moment of joyful pause during the chaos of school, music lessons, sports practices and socializing with friends. If done thoughtfully, yoga will engage both a child’s body and mind, offering them multidisciplinary tools that cross over many learning styles. Through introducing children to their own inner resources in a lighthearted way, like self-soothing, centering, strength and flexibility, yoga can help them create a safe space to learn more about themselves, both physically and spiritually. Ultimately, the goal is to give them tools to help navigate their lives on a daily basis. Now, all of this talk of mind-body connection and the benefits of yoga is great, but at this point you might be asking yourself, how can I make yoga accessible to my chil...
  • Animal Adventure Yoga for Kids Aug 24 , 2022
    1. Calming/Setting Our intentions Have them start in a comfortable cross-legged position on the floor, with their eyes closed.  Tell them to breathe through their noses as if they are smelling flowers. Ask them to notice how their breath moves in and out of their bodies.  Have them place their hands on their bellies to feel how it is rising and falling with each breath.  Ask them to repeat, “I am calm and peaceful” as they inhale and “it feels good” as they exhale.  Do this for 5-10 breaths, while they calm down (hopefully!) and relax.  This breathing exercise and affirmation is something that you can later encourage them to do at any point during their day.   2. Cat pose Our adventure starts with an animal many of us see around our neighborhoods.  Come to all fours and press your paws into the floor.  Tuck your chin into your chest and look towards your belly. Now meow like your favorite kitty!   3.Cow pose Our next ...

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