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Animal Adventure Yoga for Kids Aug 24 , 2022

1. Calming/Setting Our intentions

Calming/Setting Our intentions

Have them start in a comfortable cross-legged position on the floor, with their eyes closed.  Tell them to breathe through their noses as if they are smelling flowers. Ask them to notice how their breath moves in and out of their bodies.  Have them place their hands on their bellies to feel how it is rising and falling with each breath.  Ask them to repeat, “I am calm and peaceful” as they inhale and “it feels good” as they exhale.  Do this for 5-10 breaths, while they calm down (hopefully!) and relax.  This breathing exercise and affirmation is something that you can later encourage them to do at any point during their day.


2. Cat pose

Yoga Cat pose

Our adventure starts with an animal many of us see around our neighborhoods.  Come to all fours and press your paws into the floor.  Tuck your chin into your chest and look towards your belly. Now meow like your favorite kitty!


3.Cow pose

Yoga Cow pose

Our next stop is at the farm. Lower your bellies down towards the ground and lift your heads to the sky and moo! Repeat the cat/cow sequence 3-5 times.


4. Downward Dog

Yoga Downward Dog

Here is one of our favorite animals, the doggy! Stretch your paws wide in front of you and lift your tail up to the sky while straightening your legs.  Wag your tail from side to side and give a little bark! Hold for 3-5 breaths.


5. Snake Pose

Yoga Snake Pose

Lie down onto the ground and pretend to be a snake in the grass! Place your hands on the ground underneath your shoulders and lift your chest up with your strong arms and look towards the sky! Now hissssssss like a snake! Hold for 3-5 hisses.


6. Butterfly Pose

Yoga Butterfly Pose

Come to a seated position and bend your knees out to the side and bring the bottom of your feet together.  Sit up tall and place your hands around your toes.  Breathe in while you bring your wings (knees) up and out while you bring your wings (knees) down.  Repeat, “I am a beautiful butterfly, see me fly!” while you soar through the sky. Repeat 3-5 times.


7. Lion’s Breath

Yoga Lion’s Breath

Come to kneeling and bring your toes together and your knees apart.  Place your big paws on the tops of your thighs.  Take a deep, deep breath and open your mouth wide and roar like the strong and powerful lion(ess) that you are. Repeat 3-5 times.


8. Child’s pose

Yoga Child’s pose

Lean forward and stretch your arms in front of you on the floor laying your body in between your legs.  Close your eyes and relax into the floor.  Start taking deep breaths through your mouth.  When you inhale, think about breathing in all of the beauty of the animals we’ve been playing with and when you exhale, think about breathing out any bad feelings you have about your day. Do you feel your body slowing down as you breathe and relax? Does it feel good? Hold for 5-10 breaths.


9. Closing

Yoga Closing pose

Come back to a comfortable cross-legged position with your hands in your lap.  How do you feel after today’s animal yoga adventure?  This is a great moment to reflect with the child on how he or she feels after their practice and learn what tools have been most effective for them.By introducing a child to yoga, you are opening them to the possibility of a happier, healthier and more balanced life.  Take the time to explore with them and you will help them prepare their bodies, minds and spirits for whatever adventures may come their way.


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